Pediatric Dentist Baby Teeth Extractions in La Puente
Pediatric Dentist Baby Teeth Extractions
A child’s tooth may require extraction because of a dental problem.
Extraction of the front teeth is usually simple because these have a
single root. The back teeth however have multiple roots and they require
a qualified pediatric dentist to do the procedure. Even if baby teeth
are usually shed, leaving them with an infection can affect the eruption
of permanent teeth. Here are some reasons why baby teeth may require
Severe tooth decay
If a tooth has cavities sometimes a filling can restore it but other
times the decay is extreme and hence extraction is done.
Trauma to the mouth
Trauma to the mouth can happen because of a fall, an accident, or a
blow. Your child might fall and hit a hard object that cracks their
tooth. If the crack has reached the root, it can cause an infection that
quickly spreads. In this case, the tooth is extracted.
Severe gum disease
This is a rare condition but when it happens, it causes loose teeth.
The condition can be treated but the loose teeth might require
Over-retained baby tooth
An over-retained baby tooth is one that remains intact long beyond
its natural lifespan. It can interfere with the eruption of permanent
teeth and might even displace them. An over-retained tooth has to be
extracted to create space for a permanent tooth.
Orthodontic reasons
If a child requires orthodontic treatments such as braces, sometimes
some teeth have to be removed.
How Baby Teeth Extraction Is Done
Extracting baby teeth is a fairly simple procedure.
Your dentist will take X-ray images of the root and surrounding area
to predict the risk of complications.
If there is no complication, local anesthesia is injected to numb the
area before the extraction.
Some cases require sedation but your dentist will determine this.
Forceps or other surgical tools are used to extract the tooth. The
tooth socket is then covered with sterile gauze to control bleeding.
Sometimes a space maintainer is used to ensure teeth shifting doesn’t
After The Procedure
It is important for your child not to rinse their mouth for the first
24 hours after the procedure.
Your pediatric dentist might prescribe antibiotics and
anti-inflammatory drugs to manage infections and pain.
Is your child complaining of ongoing toothaches? If your pediatric
dentist suggests an extraction don’t be alarmed. Our pediatric dentists
have successfully performed baby tooth extractions at our clinic. Call
us to learn more.