Pediatric Dentistry in La Puente

We are pleased to offer a kid friendly facility pediatric dentists to provide care to our patients. Our staff obtains the cooperation of our child or adolescent patients by using warmth, friendliness, persuasion, humor, charm, gentleness, kindness and understanding. Dr. Ng has extensive experience treating Children
During your new patient visit, we will explore the options that are best for your child.
Specific Treatments
- Cleaning and Fluoride
- Dental Cavities
- Emergency Care
- Extractions
- Pulp Treatment
- Sealants
- Silver Fillings
- Space Maintainers
- Stainless Steel Crowns
- Tooth-Colored Fillings
- X-Ray Use and Safety
Pediatric Conscious Oral Sedation
Conscious sedation allows the child to feel completely calm and relaxed but can still breathe normally on his or her own and respond to stimuli. It is different from general anesthesia where the patient has the total loss of consciousness. Conscious sedation achieves suppression of consciousness, after which the child will remember nothing about the dental procedure. Minimal conscious sedation is most commonly used by dentists for the management of fearful and anxious pediatric patients. On the treatment day, the patient will be examined by Seran Ng, DMD for a pre-sedation evaluation. After wards, the patient will be given sedative drugs (Midazolam and Hydroxyzine) in a syrup form and carefully monitored throughout the procedure with the state of the art equipment. Seran Ng, DMD is certified to perform pediatric oral conscious sedation and has completed the required training to provide the service safely and effectively.